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Hand-Shelled: The Secret to the World’s Purest Chocolate.

How to Consume a Square of a Ridgewood Chocolate Bar

by ConstantineNov 19, 2024

Step by step to Stomach Resilience and Independence.

We suggest that you consume one square, which is 1 gram 1/4" rectangle  after each meal. Imagine: you can live on the Wild Side. For example you could eat raw tomatoes and onions together in a salad (like I did) before going to bed, then when you wake up at 3:00 in the morning because you have acid reflux, you can take one of these chocolates and Bingo, within minutes not remember why you woke up in the first place.

 Break the top row of four pieces horizontally, then break off one of the squares vertically.

 Sit in a quiet place without distractions. Place the square on the roof of your mouth, hold your tongue on it, do not introduce saliva, and let the chocolate melt. Within 20 seconds your stomach will have a new feeling of fullness from the cocoa butter,

 The bitterness receptors in your stomach receive the bitters from the theobromine (the brown stuff) of the chocolate.

 The bitterness causes the stomach to create serotonin, then motility happens (moves out the last meal) in preparation for a new meal. Your stomach then sends a signal to the brain telling it: "I'm feeling good."

 Your brain creates serotonin and releases dopamine, which cascades through your body, thus reinforcing to you consciously: the stomach-brain Nexus.

 Enjoy a blissful, relaxing, self-grounding stimulus of what nature provides naturally.

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